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Selected Category / Search Term : Advice
Can you prescribe medication?

Can you prescribe medication?

Patient: Can you prescribe medication? Therapist: Medication is a super important part of treatment, but there are different types when it comes to...

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Is going to therapy a weakness?

Is going to therapy a weakness?

Patient: A lot of my friends are always like, “you don't need therapy. That’s so stupid, just get over it.” Is going to therapy a weakness? ...

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Can you prescribe medication?

Can you prescribe medication?

Patient: Can you prescribe medication? Therapist: Medication is a super important part of treatment, but there are different types when it comes to...

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Is going to therapy a weakness?

Is going to therapy a weakness?

Patient: A lot of my friends are always like, “you don't need therapy. That’s so stupid, just get over it.” Is going to therapy a weakness? ...

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